Homemade v. Packaged Ice: Which One Is Better?

Homemade v. Packaged Ice: Which One Is Better?

Whether you’re in need of ice to add to your cocktails while relaxing at home, or you’re planning a bigger bash, it’s important to consider whether homemade or packaged ice is the better choice. Refrigerated Logistics is here to explain some of the factors you should consider when making your decision. Learn more and contact our ice company for high-quality ice.

Pyramid of ice cubes with water being poured over the top.

Water Quality

The quality of the water being used to make your ice has a significant impact on the way your ice will turn out. If you’re making your own ice and the water supply in your neighborhood has a strange taste caused by things such as algae, minerals, mold, mildew, etc., your ice cubes will likely have a poor taste. In this case, it’s a better idea to rely on packaged ice from an ice company.

Person twisting a knob on the ice maker in a refrigerator.

Ice Odor and Taste

As mentioned above, there are certain factors that can affect ice taste and odor. Additionally, your refrigerator or ice maker can emit a plastic taste, decreasing the quality of your ice cubes. In order to ensure your ice has no strange odors or tastes, Refrigerated Logistics recommends purchasing bags of ice.


Ice cubes piled on top of each other.

Speed and Scale

In need of a large amount of ice for events or gatherings? If you’re relying on homemade ice cubes, it’s important to consider how quickly your refrigerator or ice maker is able to produce ice cubes. Typically, refrigerators or ice makers are not able to produce ice at a fast enough rate, and in this case, it’s a better idea to purchase packaged ice to ensure you never run out!

Melting ice cube.

Melting Speed

Depending on which method you use to make your own ice cubes, temperature variations can lead to rapid melting, leaving you with less ice than you need. Because packaged ice can be stored in a freezer, you can always rest assured that it will not melt before you’re ready to use it.

Find Packaged Ice From Refrigerated Logistics Today

Depending on your uses for ice cubes, packaged ice is often a better choice than homemade ice. Because proper materials are used, including clean, high-quality water, regulated temperatures, and sterile processes, you can guarantee that packaged ice will taste good and last while you need it. Reach out to Refrigerated Logistics today for ice bags!