Commercial Ice

Are you in charge of providing a safe commercial environment, but worried about how you can do so in the midst of the Texas heat? An on-hand supply of ice can help keep personnel cool, treat various symptoms of heat-related maladies, or even provide hydration in a pinch. Maybe a factory or warehouse you work in needs ice desperately for an entirely different reason. Whatever your needs, stands ready to provide assistance.

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  • Turnkey Services — Both Ice and Storage Units Available

  • Flexible Delivery Hours

  • Can Deliver All Over the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

  • One-Time and Recurring Deliveries Available

  • Offers Personalized Plans to Fit Your Unique Needs

retail ice 1.png will team up with you to satisfy your unique commercial ice delivery requirements. We service construction sites, large service fleets, and factory applications to ensure your ice supply is optimized at all times. We exclusively carry Reddy Ice, one of the most popular brands of ice in the United States, to ensure quality and the ability to handle orders of any size.

Our flexible delivery options and ability to cater to your specific needs without going over budget make us one of Dallas’s favorite ice supply solutions. Whether you need ice now or would like to schedule recurring deliveries, give us a call, because no matter what your needs may be, we can find a way to help.

Contact us today to set yourself up for success with the best ice delivery around!

4 Reasons to Choose Refrigerated Logistics for Your Ice Needs


We will provide you a quote after discussing your specific needs and goals